So, here are three quick tips to get you started:
#1 – Get down to your subject’s level
Many of the plants and insects that come out in the spring live very low to the ground, so your first reaction may be to photograph them from where you first spot them (standing up and looking down at them). But, many times it’s better to get down to your subject’s level and photograph them from there because it captures a more friendly point of view (almost as if you’re seeing eye-to-eye with your subject).
#2 – Choose a good background
When you stumble upon a beautiful wildflower or butterfly, sometimes it’s easy to concentrate entirely on your primary subject and completely forget about the background. But, a good background is essential to a good close-up photo because it can tremendously help draw attention to your subject and make it really stand out.
What makes a good background? For close-ups, you’re usually looking for two things: a background that’s far away and contrasts well with your subject. The distance helps keep your background out of focus, and the contrast will help make your subject look sharper.
#3 – Be patient!
Remember, good nature photos take time. Sometimes you’ll encounter an awesome subject like a rare dragonfly, but it has the worst background. Don’t give up hope! Keep looking! It may take awhile to find the perfect subject in front of the perfect background (and under perfect lighting and wind conditions), but your patience will pay off in the end
Check out our free eBooks for more great tips!
If you’re new to PhotoNaturalist, then be sure to check out our two free ebooks for more great tips on close-up photography:
- 13 Tips For Wildflower Photography by Steve Berardi
- How To Photograph Dragonflies by Vic Berardi
Get more great tips in our free weekly newsletter.
About the Author: Steve Berardi is a naturalist, photographer, software engineer, and founder of PhotoNaturalist. You can usually find him hiking in the beautiful mountains and deserts of southern California.
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