You might be hesitant to share your images online, with the fear that someone might steal them. But, there are some great benefits to sharing your images: [Read more…] about Benefits of Sharing Your Photos Online
Three Reasons To Periodically Look Through Your Old Photos
One of the great things about digital photography is that memory is cheap. We can take lots and lots of photos without ever having to worry about expensive film. You can buy a big memory card once, and use it over and over again.
As a result, you probably have a big stockpile of photos somewhere. Maybe it’s in some obscure folder on your computer, or maybe it’s on a big external hard drive somewhere.
With all these photos, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. When you get back from a long day out on the trails, you might go through all your photos quickly, and grab the really good ones to process and share online. But, in this process you might immediately label a lot of those photos as “bad” — and bury them in that giant stockpile of photos you have hiding somewhere.
Since we’re always adding more and more photos to this stockpile, it’s easy to forget about them and never look through them again.
But, it’s a good idea to browse through all those “rejects” every once in a while. Here are a few reasons why: [Read more…] about Three Reasons To Periodically Look Through Your Old Photos
6 Reasons Why Flickr is a Great Tool for Nature Photographers
As you might already know, I’m a big fan of Flickr. Although it’s primarily just a place for you to store and share your photos, there’s a lot more reason to use it as well. Especially as a nature photographer. Here are some reasons why:
#1 – Learn from other photographers
There are a ton of photographers on Flickr. In fact, as of October 2009, Flickr has over 4 billion photos. The best part? Every single one is searchable by you.
This means you can search for photos of your favorite subject, and see how other photographers have photographed that same subject. I think we all see the world in a completely unique way, so seeing through the eyes of another photographer can help inspire you.
Some photographers on Flickr also make the technical details of their photos public, so you can see what aperture, shutter speed, and ISO they used for a photo. [Read more…] about 6 Reasons Why Flickr is a Great Tool for Nature Photographers
Guide to storing and backing up your photos (Part 2 of 2)
In part one of this article, Matthew Fletcher explained the different connection types for external hard drives, and compared three strategies for backing up your photos.
In part two of this guide, Matthew explains a few backup options in detail, and provides a few specific recommendations: [Read more…] about Guide to storing and backing up your photos (Part 2 of 2)